by Terry Watkins | Copyright © 1999 Dial-the-Truth Ministries |
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Is the biochip the Mark of the Beast?
The biochip technology was originally developed in 1983 for monitoring fisheries, it’s use now includes, over 300 zoos, over 80 government agencies in at least 20 countries, pets (everything from lizards to dogs), electronic "branding" of horses, monitoring lab animals, fisheries, endangered wildlife, automobiles, garment tracking, hazardous waste, and according to the experts – humans (which we’ll examine in detail later). To date, over 7 million animals have been "chipped". The major biochip companies are A.V.I.D. (American Veterinary Identification Devices), Trovan Identification Systems, and Destron-Fearing Corporation.
And according to most modern-day "prophecy teachers". . . the implanted biochip is the soon-coming, 666: Mark of the Beast.
This article contains 3 parts:
- Part 1: What is the biochip? Detailed description of a biochip and how it works.
- Part 2: Is the biochip the Mark of the Beast? Is the biochip the technology for 666: The mark of the Beast? What saith the scriptures. . .
- Part 3: Are humans being biochipped? Are humans currently being biochipped? Are there plans to biochip humans in the near future? Read what the "experts" say. We've listed over 30 opinions from the "experts"
Part 1: What is The Biochip Technology? |
What is a biochip implant?
The current, in use, biochip implant system is actually a fairly simple device. Today’s, biochip implant is basically a small (micro) computer chip, inserted under the skin, for identification purposes. The biochip implant system consists of two components; a transponder and a reader or scanner. The transponder is the actual biochip implant. The biochip system is a radio frequency identification (RFID) system, using low-frequency radio signals to communicate between the biochip and reader. The reading range or activation range, between reader and biochip is small, normally between 2 and 12 inches.
Note, we are only examining the implanted "biochips", there are many other RFID microchip systems available.
The transponder: The transponder is the actual biochip implant. It is a passive transponder, meaning it contains no battery or energy of it's own. In comparison, an active transponder would provide it’s own energy source, normally a small battery. Because the passive biochip contains no battery, or nothing to wear out, it has a very long life, up to 99 years, and no maintenance. Being passive, it's inactive until the reader activates it by sending it a low-power electrical charge. The reader "reads" or "scans" the implanted biochip and receives back data (in this case an identification number) from the biochip. The communication between biochip and reader is via low-frequency radio waves.
The biochip-transponder consists of four parts; computer microchip, antenna coil, capacitor and the glass capsule.
mark: charagma; from Greek charax
meaning to stake down into or "stick into"
Computer Microchip: The microchip stores a unique identification number from 10 to 15 digits long. The storage capacity of the current microchips is limited, capable of storing only a single ID number. AVID (American Veterinary Identification Devices), claims their chips, using a nnn-nnn-nnn format, has the capability of over 70 trillion unique numbers. The unique ID number is "etched" or encoded via a laser onto the surface of the microchip before assembly. Once the number is encoded it is impossible to alter. The microchip also contains the electronic circuitry necessary to transmit the ID number to the "reader".
Antenna Coil: This is normally a simple, coil of copper wire around a ferrite or iron core. This tiny, primitive, radio antenna "receives and sends" signals from the reader or scanner.
Tuning Capacitor: The capacitor stores the small electrical charge (less than 1/1000 of a watt) sent by the reader or scanner, which activates the transponder. This "activation" allows the transponder to send back the ID number encoded in the computer chip. Because "radio waves" are utilized to communicate between the transponder and reader, the capacitor is "tuned" to the same frequency as the reader.
Glass Capsule: The glass capsule "houses" the microchip, antenna coil and capacitor. It is a small capsule, the smallest measuring 11 mm in length and 2 mm in diameter, about the size of an uncooked grain of rice. The capsule is made of biocompatible material such as soda lime glass. After assembly, the capsule is hermetically (air-tight) sealed, so no bodily fluids can touch the electronics inside. Because the glass is very smooth and susceptible to movement, a material such as a polypropylene polymer sheath is attached to one end of the capsule. This sheath provides a compatible surface which the bodily tissue fibers bond or interconnect, resulting in a permanent placement of the biochip.
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The biochip is inserted into the subject with a hypodermic syringe. Injection is safe and simple, comparable to common vaccines. Anesthesia is not required nor recommended. In dogs and cats, the biochip is usually injected behind the neck between the shoulder blades. Trovan, Ltd., markets an implant, featuring a patented "zip quill", which you simply press in, no syringe is needed. According to AVID "Once implanted, the identity tag is virtually impossible to retrieve. . . The number can never be altered."
![]() | ![]() Notice the ID number in the LCD display.
The reader: The reader consists of an "exciter" coil which creates an electromagnetic field that, via radio signals, provides the necessary energy (less than 1/1000 of a watt) to "excite" or "activate" the implanted biochip. The reader also carries a receiving coil that receives the transmitted code or ID number sent back from the "activated" implanted biochip. This all takes place very fast, in milliseconds. The reader also contains the software and components to decode the received code and display the result in an LCD display. The reader can include a RS-232 port to attach a computer.
How it works
The reader generates a low-power, electromagnetic field, in this case via radio signals, which "activates" the implanted biochip. This "activation" enables the biochip to send the ID code back to the reader via radio signals. The reader amplifies the received code, converts it to digital format, decodes and displays the ID number on the reader's LCD display. The reader must normally be between 2 and 12 inches near the biochip to communicate. The reader and biochip can communicate through most materials, except metal.
Common Misconceptions About Biochip implants:
With a biochip they can track you or your pet’s location, anywhere in the world.
FALSE. The current biochip and reader has a maximum range of 12 inches. Pet’s are located by shelters, vets, etc. finding a lost pet and reading it’s biochip. The technology does not exist to globally locate something as small as a biochip.
The World & I magazine writes:
Contrary to rumors at Stanford University that a microchip implanted in Chelsea Clinton's neck broadcasts her location to a satellite, the device's current capabilities are much more primitive. In fact, the majority now in use can only transmit a single alpha-numeric identification number that is unique to the particular animal in which a microchip is implanted. (Craig Dees, Watching From Inside. Vol. 13, The World & I, 02-01-1998, pp 150.)
A biochip can store and update your financial, medical, demographic data, basically everything about you.
The common scenario is: an implanted biochip can be scanned to pay for groceries, obtain medical procedures, conduct financial transactions.
FALSE. Currently, the in use, implanted biochips only store ONE 10 to 15 digit. Although the microchip can hold more data, and some microchips can be "updated", the technology to perform the above mentioned functions via today’s small biochip does not exist. At best, the biochip could be scanned for your PIN (Person Identification Number) and a global centralized computer system could perform the functions against your number. But the obvious question is – in that case, for only identification purposes, why not use biometric identification technology such as "eye-scans", fingerprints, hand scans or voice ID’s? They are more reliable and completely tamperproof.
One major concern with a implanted biochip is theft.
According to the "authorities" a chip implant would contain your financial world, medical history, health care — it would contain your "electronic life". If cash no longer existed and if the world’s economy was totally chip oriented; — there would be a huge "black-market" for chips! Since there is no cash and no other bartering system, criminals would cut off hands and heads, stealing "rich-folks" chips. How would like to "borrow" Bill Gates chip for a few days?
Terry Waite, the Anglican Church envoy who spent five years as a hostage in Beirut, sounded a similar alarm concerning biochip implants:
"It is very dangerous because once kidnappers get to know about these things, they will skin you alive to find them," (New York Times, June 20, 1999)
We Christians don't need this biochip (666 the Mark of the beast) we need The LORD JESUS CHRIST!The source of everlasting life! Matthew 4:4, Deutoronomy 31:6, Revelation 22:12-13, Philippians 2:9-11,and Luke 12:5, Acts 16:31, John 6:47-48
ReplyDeleteThe food and water are the prime mover of human life, people want to save their lives but only GOD can do it completely. It is the main point of Revelation 13:16-18. It is not only controlling buying and selling but between life and death here on earth and in eternity. The absence of this basic needs, people without the LORD JESUS CHRIST in their lives and don't have any knowledge in the Word of GOD are living in fear, and satan using these things to frighten people of all ages to receive the Mark of the beast 666, to worship him. Only GOD should be worshipped, and can be trusted in natural and spiritual realm in the name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST.
ReplyDeleteRevelation 13:16-18 gives insight and warns individual not to receive the mark of the beast 666, because it is the enemy of human soul. The Bible declares, Do not fear (Isaiah 41:10), Fear in GOD (Luke 12:4-5,), God will not leave us nor forsake us (Deuteronomy 31:6).
People need the LORD not this biochip ( Mark of the beast 666 ). The LORD'S name is JESUS: the source of every thing, salvation and eternal life. Receive JESUS as LORD and Saviour and thou shall be saved.
ReplyDeleteThe biochip radio-frequency identification (RFID) is a technology that can be used by a company, organization, nation or church. It is NOT the "666 mark per se". But the Antichrist may use this in his group..
Take note that those who have the mark of the "666" is doomed to hell; the GRACE of God cannot work on him. WHY?!! This is all about "FAITH". If you take that biochip and renounce your faith in Jesus then you are doomed. The antichrist will force everyone to renounce their faith in Jesus and take their allegiance to the "dragon". With or without the biochip you already have the mark of the "666" if you renounce Jesus.
On the other hand, if a Christian organization will use this biochip for their members; and only members who believe in Jesus will have this biochip in their hands; will they be doomed to hell? Surely not.
So the biochip or microchip technology is not per se the mark of "666". It depends who uses it.
Yes, the biochip is like the ATM card; it can be used by BDO, BPI or LANDBANK. If the organization that uses the biochip is ISLAMIST and you want to be a member, of course you have to renounce Jesus. If the one that will use the biochip is a Christian Church, and you are a Hindu, then you have to renounce your Hindu gods. So the "biochip" is not automatically the "666" mark per se.
The Word of GOD do not deceive people, it is the people deceive themselves because of their unbelief. You are right, human technology is good, unless it is to glorify GOD. Revelation 13:16-18 is the prophecy of John the beloved from the LORD through the Holy Spirit. 2Peter 1:20-21(KJV) says: Knowing this first, that no prophecy of the scripture is of any private interpretation. For the prophecy came not in old time by the will of man: but holy men of GOD spake as they were moved by the Holy Ghost.
ReplyDeleteIt means, believe it or not, the prophecy of John the beloved regarding the "Mark of the beast 666" is true, that all people not only Christians must be aware, if they want to go to heaven receive JESUS as LORD and Personal Saviour their lives, but if they want to go to hell, receive the "Mark of the beast 666".
John 3:16 (KJV)says: For GOD so loved the world, that He gave His only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in Him should not perish, but have everlasting life.
It is your choice!...but always remember what the scripture says, GOD loves you, JESUS loves you! He offered His life for you, don't give your life to others (satan) yield it to GOD through CHRIST.
We Christians let us not confused and to be deceived by anti-Christs. We only need God coz he is only our life. And we give only our life to him. Praise be the Mighty Name of the LORD JESUS CHRIST!